The Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights, Oxford Refugee Studies Centre (RSC), and Norwegian Centre for Human Rights are hosting the closed event. Organizers: Professor Cathryn Costello and Dr. Angela Sherwood
Time and place: November 2, 2020 13:30–18:00 (CET) online workshop
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an influential yet under-studied international organisation (IO) operating in the field of global migration governance. It has changed dramatically in recent years, in terms of its size and scope, formal position, and leadership and ethos. IOM’s new status as a ‘UN-related’ organisation has also attracted scholarly interest. This workshop is a closed event for authors who will be contributing to a new edited volume on IOM’s obligations, accountability and ethos, and for commentators invited to participate in the discussion. Papers addressing IOM’s actions and obligations under various bodies of international law, and its accountability challenges as an IO, will be discussed. Authors will have an opportunity to share concepts and themes emerging from their research and to receive feedback from other contributors and commentators prior to publication. The workshop will also serve as a platform for scholars to contemplate potential areas for IOM’s reform, one of the core focuses of the edited volume.